Monday, January 12, 2009

Connecting people?

What does it mean to connect people?
Connect them to what?

At XL we know that we are to "Connect people to God......that has a GREAT plan for their lives."

How do you Connect People?
What is His GREAT plan?

I would love for you to take some time today and think of 2-3 people that you can "connect with". I am wondering....What if we all invested in 2?

Spend some time alone with God and ask Him to help you invest in 2-3 people today. You don't have to know all the answers- Trust me on this one! People just want to be connected. Think about MySpace and Face Book- Why would they sign up to allow the World to see their business- because they want to be connected.

So help them, Help them Connect to God.....That has a GREAT Plan for their lives!

Remember it only takes a few minutes to start the initial investment in someones life!


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