Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Night @ XL Dont Miss Out-

Mr. Meanr will be playing at Xl Sunday Nights in April!

We will walk through what it means to be Numb- You have all seen the teaser for the month so let me encourage you to simply Invest & Invite. If you will take the time to ask a few questions about how someone is doing and be real with them they will open up to almost anything you have to say!

Just yesterday I had the opportunity to share with, get this, 6- 26 year old men that were at the service station filling up their motorcycles- a brief opener about how nice the bikes looked allowed me 5 minutes into their lives. In 5 minutes they told me how much they despise the traditional Christian.....not so much the church but the people in it. It made me think to myself again why we do what we do! These dudes are willing to give it another chance but you know......

We have exactly one shot at these guys! One "Christian" having an off day and these dudes are done for good-

Can I encourage you for a moment? Sunday Night, bring your A game. Not only this Sunday but every day. Remember why we do, what we do, @ XL and remember to check Self at your parked car (on the last row)....better yet, leave Self @ home and come ready to out serve!

You all know how much your needed and exactly how much we appreciate you and your willingness to give up a Sunday evening to serve so that that 26 year old can have the opportunity to find Jesus right where they are.

Do you remember how you felt the first time you came to XL-? Re-Create that experience so that anyone that gives us that first shot will be willing to return.

You guys rock! Keep on keeping on.Quoting Kris " Let's fire this thing off" !

See you tonight,


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