Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mid Week

Well it is Wednesday and it has been one busy week! I have been following a few blogs and studying the Word and it is cool how this thought came to mind-

Is XL a "New Idea" a "New" kind of church? Or is it exactly what Jesus did during his time on earth!! I can tell you this has been one of the best studies I have done yet!

Thoughts before the point-
-Xl- Connecting people to a God that has a great plan for their life
-God chooses to use people
-Christianese, a language "Christians use"
-The Southern Seminary dropped Traditional School of Music, get this - They say people are looking for something different....imagine that.
-You can find God at your own pace, just remember time is ticking
-I can't stand Face Book

Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost....(The mission of Jesus Christ)

That's not doing what everyone else does, that's not doing programs, that is simply following Jesus Christs example of doing church. Large crowds came to follow Him. Jesus hung out with drunks, tax collectors, lepers.....non-religious people.
(those far from God)

Xl is all about reaching people far from God-

New Style?
New Content?
New ........
Not so much- The Word is the same! The music sounds different however we still exist to reach those far from God-

How many people far from God do you know today?

Get busy friends!!! See you Sunday.

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