Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Google said a Campus Pastor is-

Campus Pastor-

Looks like I have some work to do! I am glad I am not evaluated on The Google standard!

The good news is, I am willing to polish and hone in on what God has called me to do-

Just for kicks, Google your job description and see what it says, let me know how you line's fun, try it!

Catalytic Leader: Able to rally people to a cause.

Team Builder: Can build teams and identify high capacity leaders to build more teams.

Relational Leader: Friendly and approachable.

Talent Scout: Always on the lookout for new leaders and volunteers.

Total Quality Manager: Looking for ways to improve; sensitive to misses; committed to excellence.

Communicator: The primary host, greeter and vision-caster of the congregation.

Cheerleader: Encouraging volunteers and staff constantly.

Carrier of the DNA: When you cut them, they bleed the mission, vision and values.

Solution Specialist: Able to identify problems and find solutions.

Staff Champion: Cares for the spiritual, emotional, and familial health of campus staff.

Pastor: Has a heart to identify leaders and build systems to care for the congregation.

Reproducer: With the entire staff, reproduces leaders, followers of Christ, and campuses.

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