Monday, April 13, 2009


1st things 1st

So blogging on a daily basis isn't going to happen!
I can tell you that a few of my friends are having a life change-
My kids are really learning about giving up something for God to show them something and I know that in the end GROWTH will happen!

I find myself wanting a steak or a double cheese burger less and less-

I like what Jarrod said to me the other day in one of my meetings as I was telling him about my headach and hunger pains even though I was eating very healthy. "If we cant get full on the "good for us food" and be satisfied, then the other junk has really altered us" I can assure you a STEAK is in my future but for now, keep learning and growing!

2nd note- So the first softball game for Christina was 32 degrees with sleet-ice-snow & rain in April, what will tonight bring?

3rd note- Have you read Nobles blog today......WOW

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